Thursday, May 3

Awak then saya !

I nak u jaga solat u sebab Insyallah once u can do that u also le jaga I. I sentiasa doa utk nikah dgn u tapi bukan semata ats dasar sebab u and family je but the most important thing is sebab DIA y satu. U, jom sama² betulkan niat, kalau I silap u tegur ye. tegur-menegur demi perhubungan kita. I love u bakal imamku kelak.

Just Questions?

How long have you known each other?
3months 3weeks & 5days

How did you meet? Ngeee :D

Where do you go on that dates?
Several place. From ampang point to kampung baru then road trips

What type of vacations do you choose?
beach vacation - privacy & easy to find halal food

What are your hobbies or interests?
Outing + shooting with 

What type of music do you like?

What type of work do you do? What is your work schedule?

What type of education do you have?
Diploma in Science Secretary

Was the wedding proposal a surprise? How was the proposal accomplished?
Yang I remember that weekend after 1st time we meet he sms cakap nak I jadi wife dia and I said "YES", after that see her parents then my parents after 2weeks kenal terus dia merisik and thats include lbh kurang tunang jugak lorh and Insyallah we will getting married this December

How long have you been engaged?
Almost 3 months and 2 weeks

What is the most important thing about your wedding?

What is your definition of a successful or perfect wedding?
Enough food - 
everybody happy then nice weather

What is your definition of a bad or unsuccessful wedding?

What will your life be like with your new spouse 10 years from now? How many children will you have?
Happilly and always together with 3 kids Insyallah

Monday, April 30

All about 1st time

I cant believe that today was all about 1st time y mana 1st time kami dating kat T.S, 1st time tengok wayang sama-sama, 1st time makan chicken rice shop sama-sama & banyak la 1st time. I know agak annoying my update today hehe or just perasaan I je but its up to u either u nak go on baca this or no. I'm tired nak jaga hati orang, so ni blog bebas je so siapa-siapa suka boleh sahaja baca. Maaf & terima kasih.
